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Diagonal Stride Archive

The club newsletter Diagonal Stride was published approximately every 2 months and sent directly to members. Publication ceased at the end of 2015 as it was replaced by other forms of communication.

Below are a number of articles from past issues that might be of interest to newer members or nordic skiers from outside the club's membership. Note that the articles have been edited to some degree to reflect a wider readership.

2023 Roller Ski Posters

UCLan poster

Snow poster

Themed Session Resources

Endurance Training Session
Introduction to concepts of endurance training.

Strength & Conditioning Sesssion
Routine to perform with kettle bell and stretchy band to improve your ski strength.

Balance & Agility Session #1
Summary of why to work on balance and agility and drills to try.

Balance & Agility Session #2
Dry land balance exercises to try.

Ski Holidays, Racing and Roller Tours

MCCSC On-Snow Holiday 2025
Write-up of MCCSC trip to Dobbiaco January 2025.

Cara at the FISU World University Games 2025
Cara competes at the FISU World University Games held at Torino, January 2025.

Completing 2024 Vasaloppet
New MCCSC member writes of taking on the 2024 Vasaloppet with help from our Autumn/Winter coaching sessions.

MCCSC On-Snow Holiday 2024 (part 2)
MCCSC goes to Dobbiaco 2024.

MCCSC On-Snow Holiday 2024 (part 1)
Introduction to the first official MCCSC on-snow holiday.

The Road to Engadin (2019)
A group of new club members complete the Engadin Ski Marathon.

Transylvania On Wheels (2018)
A couple of club members return to Romania for rollerskiing and biathlon tution.

Off-track in Norway
A couple of new members go skiing around Nordsetter.

Jotunheim 2009
Club member’s 2009 successful ski trip to the Jotunheim National Park, Norway

Touring in Dovrefjell 2006
A description of a hut to hut tour through Dovrefjell

Winter Peaks
2009 skiing in the Peak District

Can you really ski in the Peak District?
Read it to find out!

Pustertaler Classic Ski Race
Account of competing in the 2009 Pustertaler Race in Italy.

Account of completing 2007 Vasaloppet.

Mozart Didn’t Ski the Engadin
A (mainly) relaxed approach to the 2007 Engadin Ski Marathon

The Engadin Ski Marathon
Two reports of different experiences of the 1999 Engadin Ski Marathon

Novice goes to Ruhpolding
Account of completing 10km classic race at the 2006 British Champs held at Rupholding, Germany.

Loppets Mastered
MCCSC member becomes a World Loppet Master in 3 seasons.

Utterly bonkers!!
Completing the World Loppet Master series in Australia!

Roller Ski Newcomer
The view from a first time roller skier on the Club Coaches

Dog Day Afternoon
A rollerski tour from a different perspective

Ulrice-ce-ce-hamn: Autumn Roller Skiing
Exploring the cycle tracks around Ulricehamn, Sweden.


* Lancaster SSE Roller Skiing Skills Training Weekend 2018
Two views of the 2018 Lancaster SSE Rollerski Course

SSE On Snow Skills Week 2009, Kvitåvatn
Two views of the 2009 SSE On Snow Skills Week

Arosa & Andermatt, Switzerland
Telemark Ski Company course, Switzerland

Telemark Course for Beginners
A beginner’s impression of the club’s 2008 telemark course held at Chill Factore

Manchester Cyclesway to the North Pole
Introduction to the 2006 roller ski programme

Skills and Training

Get a head start for next season's Loppet races
Introduction to loppet race training

Preparation for Roller/ Loppet Racing
Overcoming the psychology aspects of roller/ loppet racing

Ski Touring
Fitness preparation and some skills and safety aspects to consider for ski touring

Roller Skiing Around Manchester
Where to roller ski and where to look for suggestions.

Head Injuries
A guide to the management of head injuries - one of a series of articles on first aid aimed at the ski tourer.

Action plan for dealing with first aid on tour.

Thoughts on Hut to Hut Touring
Musings on the art of ski touring

Hut to Hut in Norway
Some of the things you need to know if you are contemplating a hut to hut tour in Norway

Hints and Tips
Ski pole maintenance and using adhesive skins are the two topics covered.


Chair’s Report 2008–2009
Chair’s summary of the club in autumn 2009.

Health Insurance in Europe
Reminder that your new European Health Insurance Card may have expired.

affiliated to SnowSport England
SSE logo

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© MCCSC / / content altered 2 February 2025